sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Reflexion final

El sabor de reconocer lo aprendido en la aplicacion no se compara con nada...hoy lo confirmo gracias a la Profesora Doris, y a cada uno de mis compañeros por hacer de esta materia una gran clase donde aprendi no solo ingles, sino ingles aplicado a la gerencia, aprendi del uso y la existencia de herramientas tecnologicas como los blogs, e-diccionarios, e-enciclopedias, e-revistas, tecnicas para el uso efectivo del tiempo, como hacer videos a partir de fotos, pude ver que existen incluso videos con clases magistrales de importates universidades como Yele, estoy segura de que la suma de cada uno de estos aspectos acelero nuestro aprendizaje, influyo en nuestro manejo positivo del cambio del papel y lapiz por la PC, y redujo el miedo a lo desconocido, de ahora en adelante en nuestro dia a dia aplicare lo aprendido para mejorar mi desempeño academico, profesional y personal.

Como se habran dado cuenta Queridos e-compañeros hemos descubierto que existen una ventana al conocimiento en cada "pestaña" que abrimos en internet...todo depende del objetivo y del uso que le demos!!!...Por mi parte seguire repasando las estructuras de las oraciones y de los parrafos, pues aun me faltan unas cuantas "citas" mas con los fulanos adjetivos, sustantivos y los articulos para reconocerlos mas rapido!!!

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Ejercicio Unidad 3

How Tiny Camcorders are Changing Education
By Laurie Rowell

October 8, 2009

How effective are Flip cameras and other mini-camcorders as learning tools? Where are video-in-the-classroom assignment s taking education?

I spoke to Jake Dunagan, one of the tech prognosticators from the Institute for the Future, who helped explain where video in the classroom will be going in coming years. Additionally, I asked three intrepid instructors, who have been experimenting with mini-camcorders in their curricula, how they are using the technology and what their students are learning.

These folks believe that using camcorders as a medium is affecting not only the message but the student communicators and their learning process.

Personal Documentaries in Writing Courses

Bill Wolff is an assistant professor in the Department of Writing Arts at Rowan University. He wanted to use Flip camcorders for student projects in his upper-level course "Writing, Research and Technology."

In June 2008, he secured a grant for the cameras, then set about figuring how he could best use the devices to make sure they supported "a pedagogically-sound undergraduate writing class."

He decided to incorporate them in the students' final project. "I landed on the idea of the major project being an oral history video," Wolff says.

"I had to bone up on oral history theories and methodologies," he says. But he liked the idea because it provided a handy springboard into "ethical research on human subjects and Institutional Review Boards, two things none of [the students] had considered before."

Wolff also built in shorter assignments, like initial in-class sessions where students would interview each other, and the making of brief videos, before setting out on the major project.

For the oral history, students interviewed family members, "learning things about the closest people in their lives that they never knew," says Wolff. The assignment was for an 8- to 10-minute video, but most ran over 15 minutes because the directors couldn't bear to cut them further. "These were histories on incredibly difficult subjects: divorce, adoption, the immigrant experience, living with a physical disability, caring for someone with Down syndrome, mourning the death of a loved one, and so on," Wolff explains. "The videos are powerful statements, powerful contributions to the growing body of publicly available oral histories."

Prediccion, deduccion, Skimming
Topico a leer: Tecnologia aplicada a la educacion
Palabras que se repiten: Videos, education, technology.
Palabras parecidas en español:  Syndrome, education, videos, contributions, history, final, idea, professor
Palabras o imagenes que ayudan a entender el texto: La imagen, el titulo y el subtitulo al inicio.
El texto trata de: La efectividad del aprendizaje con el uso de herramientas tecnologicas como las grabadoras de video.
Como los profesores estan utilizando los videos para acelerar el aprendizaje?


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 29 September 1547 – 23 April 1616 was a Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright. His magnum opus Don Quixote, often considered the first modern novel,[1] is a classic of Western literature, and is regarded amongst the best works of fiction ever written.His work is often considered amongst the most important works in all of Western literature.His influence on the Spanish language has been so great that Spanish is often called la lengua de Cervantes, Spanish for the language of Cervantes. He has been dubbed El Príncipe de los Ingenios – The Prince of Wits.

In 1569, Cervantes moved to Italy, where he served as a valet to Giulio Acquaviva, a wealthy priest who was elevated to cardinal the next year. By then, Cervantes had enlisted as a soldier in a Spanish Navy infantry regiment and continued his military life until 1575, when he was captured by Algerian corsairs. He was then released on ransom from his captors by his parents and the Trinitarians, a Catholic religious order. He subsequently returned to his family in Madrid.

In 1585, Cervantes published a pastoral novel named La Galatea. Because of financial problems, Cervantes worked as a purveyor for the Spanish Armada, and later as a tax collector. In 1597, discrepancies in his accounts of three years previous landed him in the Crown Jail of Seville. In 1605, he was in Valladolid, just when the immediate success of the first part of his Don Quixote, published in Madrid, signaled his return to the literary world. In 1607, he settled in Madrid, where he lived and worked until his death. During the last nine years of his life, Cervantes solidified his reputation as a writer; he published the Exemplary Novels (Novelas ejemplares) in 1613, the Journey to Parnassus (Viaje al Parnaso) in 1614, and in 1615, the Ocho comedias y ocho entremeses and the second part of Don Quixote. Carlos Fuentes noted that, "Cervantes leaves open the pages of a book where the reader knows himself to be written."

Quien fue Cervantes?: Famoso novelista español
Cuando se mudo a Italia?: 1569
Cuando publico La Galatea?:1585
Donde murio?: Madrid

Marcadores de definicion:
Marcadores de tiempo:
* 1616 was a Spanish novelist
* In 1569, Cervantes moved to Italy
* In 1585, Cervantes published a pastoral novel named La Galatea
Marcadores de secuencia:
* In 1607, he settled in Madrid, where he lived and worked until his death
* Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 29 September 1547 – 23 April 1616 was a Spanish novelist

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Taller 1 Unidad 3

En el siguiente articulo podremos indagar un poco acerca de los tipicos ejemplo de las diferencias entre culturas, en base a este articulo exploraremos las estructuras de la oracion.

Typical examples of cultural differences

In the Americas as well as in Arabic countries the pauses between words are usually not too long, while in India and Japan pauses can give a contradictory sense to the spoken words. Enduring (duradero) silence is perceived (percibido) as perfectly comfortable in India, Indonesia and Japan, to the point where being unnecessarily talkative is considered rude and a sign of poor self-control. To some in Europe, North America and Australia, however, it may feel as if a faux pas (metedura de pata) has been committed and thus cause insecurity and embarrassment. Scandinavians, by the standards of other Western cultures, are more tolerant of silent breaks during conversations.

En negrita y subrayado se indican las palabras cuyo significado se desconcia, y al lado se coloco el significado en español

Idea principal: En los países americanos y árabes las pausas entre palabras al hablar no significan lo mismo que las pausas que se realizan en los países como china o india.
Tiempo verbal general del texto: Presente simple
Categorias lexicales identificadas en el texto:
Articulos: The,a
Sustantivos:  Americas, Arabic
Verbos: is, are
- In the Americas as well as in Arabic countries the pauses between words are usually not too long
- Enduring silence is perceived
- Western cultures, are more tolerant
Adjetivos: confortable, talkative
Preposiciones: in, to
Conjunciones: by, of , as
Prefijos: unnecessarily
Sufijos: insecurity
Cognados falsos: No aplica
Cognados verdaderos: The pauses between, Silence
La frase nominal:

Tambien se seleccionaron 3 oraciones en las cuales se señalan: Frase nominal, núcleo de la frase nominal y pre modificadores y post modificadores y frase verbal, núcleo, y se señala el tiempo verbal.

1.-The pauses between words are usually not too long
Frase nominal: The pauses between words are
Núcleo: Pauses
Pre: The
Post: Between
Frase verbal: Usually not too long
Núcleo: Usually
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

2.- Western cultures are more tolerant of silent breaks during conversations
Frase nominal: Western cultures
Núcleo:  cultures
Pre: Western
Frase verbal: Are more tolerant of silent breaks during conversations
Núcleo: are
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

3.- Talkative is considered rude and a sign of poor self-control.
Frase nominal: Talkative
Núcleo: Talkative
Frase verbal: Is considered rude and a sign of poor self-control
Núcleo: is
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Ejercicio 2 Unidad 1 Ingles instrumental

El objetivo de esta actividad es hacer un resumen de lo que se entiende de este parrafo considerando la idea principal:

"The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, “the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction."

La pregunta que se hacen los autores en estos tiempos, es "Qué es el nuevo Liderazgo". Ellos responden que el contexto cambia dramaticamente el liderazgo. El contenido del liderazgo no ha cambiado del todo. Fundamentalmente las conductas, acciones y practicas de los líderes no ha variado esencialmente, las investigaciones y escritos sobre liderazgo han permanecido iguales desde hace tres decadas. Mucho ha cambiado pero las practicas esenciales continuan. Pero lo que no entienden, es que podemos dar a conocer un líder que de respuesta a su entorno, que deje por fuera la ficción.

El texto que será interpretado y con el cual se estudia la estructura de la oración es:

"In the article, Al-Khalifa summarizes the findings of the more than 2,000 respondents, writing that according to the survey, the majority of higher education thinks Twitter is a gigantic time suck with little to no educational value. While she accurately reported the findings, she missed reporting the bigger picture, namely, that while approximately 30 percent of the surveyed higher education professionals tweet, currently only 10 percent of the general Internet-using public makes regular use of Twitter. The college ranks are outpacing the public in adoption nearly 3 to 1.
As Twitter continues to expand its reach within the public, it exponentially expands it within higher education.
Why is there so much derisive criticism of Twitter by educational institutions that are rapidly making use of the technology? Part of the answer is the learning curve. Twitter looks simple. Indeed, it has a simple interface. But to see its value beyond celebrity tweeting is a bit more complex."

Palabras en inglés que escapan a su comprensión y su posterior significado en español:
Within: dentro
Indeed: de verdad
Accurately: Con exactitud

Identificación de 2 categorias lexicales de:
artículos: The, a
sustantivos: Al-Khalifa
verbos: is, looks
adjetivos: educational, professionals
preposiciones: of
conjucciones: and, for
prefijos: exponentially, Indeed
sufijos: celebrity
cognados falsos: no estan presentes en el texto
cognado verdaderos: educational, general

1) Primero se hace una interpretación en español de la idea principal del párrafo:
En el texto se hace mencion del uso adecuado o inadecuado del Twitter en las instituciones de educacion.

2) Se toman 2 oraciones para realizar la identificación de:
Oracion 1:Part of the answer is the learning curve
Frase nominal: the answer
Pre modificador: part of
Post modificadores: N/A
Núcleo: is
Frase verbal: the learning curve
Tiempo del verbo: Presente.

Oracion 2: Twitter is a gigantic time suck with little to no educational value.
Frase nominal: Twitter
Pre modificador: N/A
Post modificadores:  a
Núcleo: is
Frase verbal: a gigantic time suck with little to no educational value
Tiempo del verbo: presente
3) Se muestra 1 ejemplos ubicado en el texto de elemento referencial: Pronombres demostrativos, conectores y who, what, when and where:

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Ejercicio 1 Unidad 1 Mi primer intento!!..Y el Ingles se convirtio en instrumento para el aprendizaje acelerado!!!

Hola a TOD@S este es Mi primer intento en los blogs...Bienvenidos al encuentro con mis letras y palabras que al ser leidas por ustedes se convertiran en ideas y corriendo con suerte el conocimiento se convertira en aprendizaje, particularmente en este caso en el area de ingles instrumental, materia que estoy cursando por esta semana en el doctorado en ciencias gerenciales en URBE.

Mi nombre es Osmaira Leon, naci en la tierra del sol amado (Maracaibo) tengo el placer de ser socia del mejor hermano que se pueda tener, juntos formamos una Empresa que se llama Cintigo Casa de Software CA cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo de soluciones biometricas para las empresas en general, alli me encargo de la parte administrativa y de RH, estudie licenciatura en relaciones industriales, diplomado en gestion de capital humano, maestria en gerencia de RH, he trabajado fundamentalmente en las areas de atención al cliente, y recursos humanos en sus diferentes sub sistemas.

He quedado gratamente sorprendida por la magia de los Blogs, y estoy segura de que nos ayudara en la aceleracion de nuestro apredizaje no solo del ingles sino tambien de una nueva herramienta tecnologica, lo cual sin duda alguna es un super valor agregado de esta materia.

Seguimos on-line!!!